And they were lucky enough to find this eastern grey kangaroo female with her offspring. 他们真的够幸运,能发现东部灰袋鼠妈妈和她的孩子。
Helen of Troy, the rare female offspring of a god-human mating, is produced when Zeus takes the form of a swan to get access to Leda. 特洛伊的海伦,当宙斯化妆成天鹅勾引丽达时,一个罕见人神交配的雌性后代产生了。
In the case of plovers it is, more often than not, the female who abandons her mate and offspring. 对鸟而言,多数情况是雌鸟抛弃其伴侣和孩子。
Telegony is the supposed influence of a female's first mate on the offspring of her later matings with other males. 先父遗传是与母畜第一次交配的公畜,对以后该母畜与其它公畜交配所生的后代会有影响。
If a male commits himself to an exclusive relationship with a female, he must be certain that the offspring in whom he is investing are his own. 如果一个男人排他性地和一个女人建立关系,他就必须确保他所要“投资”的后代是自己的。
They all have a common ancestral mother, by virtue of their descent from whom the female offspring in each generation are sisters. 她们全体有一个共同的女祖先;由于世系出自同一个女祖先,后代的所有女性每一代都是姊妹。
The birth weight of all male and female offspring rats were measured on postnatal day2. 于出生第2天,测定所有仔鼠的出生体质量。
The matriarchal society consists of her female offspring and their young. 大象的母系族家庭是由其生育的母象和幼象组成的。
The effect of excess androgen exposure during pregnancy on body weight and OGTT of SD female rats offspring 孕期高雄激素环境对SD大鼠仔代体重及OGTT的影响
Advancing age not only reduces a woman's ability to conceive but also raises the risk that her female offspring will struggle to conceive later in life, scientists claim. 科学家称大龄妇女不仅会使自己生育的可能性减小,而且增加了她们女儿不孕的风险率。
The Research on Idolatry of Junior High School Students and Its Educational Countermeasures Generative adoration refers to the cultural phenomenon that people worship at the male and female genitalia to beget and conceive offspring. 初中生偶像崇拜现象及其教育对策研究生殖崇拜是指人们为祈求生殖,对男女生殖器官执以宗教的崇拜与祭祀的一种文化现象。
Effects of Perinatal Exposure to Low-dose Tributyltin on Development and Estrogen Level of Female Offspring Mice 围产期低剂量三丁基锡暴露对子代雌性小鼠发育及雌激素水平的影响
That the fertilization rate of oocytes were significant lower in the female offspring of experiment groups than control group ( P < 0.01); 各染毒组后代母鼠受精卵比率极显著低于对照组(P<0.01);
Md is the number of female offspring produced per original female in 2d. Md表示在2d期间每个雌虫繁殖的平均雌性后代数。
Male mice with acute infection with Toxoplasm and control group were kept in separate cages with mature female mice and pregnancy, offspring and offspring's length, weight were observed. 方法实验组雄鼠急性感染弓形虫后和对照组雄鼠同时与性成熟雌鼠分笼配对饲养,观察其受孕、产仔情况及仔鼠的身长、体重情况。
And there was the diversity of chromosome in the 2n female gametes offspring. 而且,2n配子杂种后代存在染色体数目的多样性。
Conclusion It was suggested that IDA can not only cause the deficiency of Fe in female and offspring rats but also change other trace element metabolism. 结论缺铁性贫血不仅可造成母代与仔代大鼠体内铁的缺乏,还可引起机体内其他微量元素代谢的改变。
Conclusion Prenatal stress can affect the capability of spatial learning in the offspring, especially in LS female offspring. 结论产前应激可引起子代学习能力的改变,尤其是对晚期产前应激组雌性后代更为显著。
Results: The injected 282 eggs were implanted into the oviducts of 10 female mice. In the 19 offspring, there were 4 mice carrying the transgene identified by PCR, and the efficiency of integration was 21%. 结果:共注射282枚受精卵,移植至10只假孕母小鼠的输卵管中发育,获得子代小鼠19只,经PCR鉴定有4只小鼠在基因组上整合有Cre基因,整合率为21%。
The following results were obtained: ( 1) The percentage of mictic female in the offspring is the highest in culture that underwent sudden cold shock ( SS) treatment for4h. 用急剧冷休克4小时的方法,得到的轮虫后代中的混交雌体百分含量最高。
Objective To investigate the effect of high dose fluoride which ingested by female rats on morphologic change in rat offspring's bone and osteoblast, discuss the relation between the mechanism of fluorosis and cell cycle, cell apoptosis. 目的观察高氟摄入对大鼠所生仔鼠颅骨及成骨细胞超微结构变化,探讨氟中毒与成骨细胞细胞周期和细胞凋亡的关系。
We found maternal high protein diet enhanced glucose tolerance of female offspring. 4. 母体高蛋白食物增强雌性后代的葡萄糖耐受性。
Similarly, maternal low fiber diet ensured stable reproductive output, and speeded up the growth in male offspring body mass, and increased glucose tolerance in female offspring. 母体低纤维食物能够保证稳定的繁殖输出,并能加快雄性后代体重增长,但对雌性后代体重没有明显影响,并且能够增加雌性后代葡萄糖耐受性,而对雄性后代没有影响。
The linearized constructs were introduced into 808 fertilized zygotes by microinjection. 729 of these injected eggs were implanted into the oviducts of 36 female mice and 133 offspring were obtained. 通过显微注射将线性化的转基因载体引入小鼠808枚受精卵中,其中729枚移植入36只假孕母鼠的输卵管中使其发育,共获得子代小鼠133只。